We also played a broken down version of 'Break me' in which we squeezed Andy into an ipod.
He complained about the room but it was just easier that way.
It's funny when i got the email saying we were doing an interview with 'ugly phil' i had a little chuckle to myself...he probably doesn't even remember it happening but some of the dumb shit you do as a kid you forget about...this just sparked my memory of some dumb teenage fun...
About 10 years ago Phil used to host music show late at night on channel ten, this was the days of the fax and home phone...no mobiles or internet for us coast kids...i cant even remember what the show was like but im sure we hated it at the time...
So the show is on late on a saturday night and they would encourage people to call or fax (!) in...i remember several occasions of ringing up and trying to get through, i dont think we ever did...There was one time where you could see the faxes come out live on air. So we took this as our chance and we started to draw caricatures of phil and his co-host (jackie o?) with block's o cheese - we must of thought the show was cheesy ha! anyway we started to send them through and out they come live on air...i remember him picking one up and he was well confused about the cheese...man it made our night...hell even our week! Its funny the shit you do as a kid for amusement.
We also managed to squeeze in a little interview with 'Chit Chat' of whom was a stirling chap!
Its funny as we used to share an a&r representative way back when.
Anyways he does planet rock and an Australian music show on Sunday evenings.
Was good to talk with soemone who has 'been there' so to speak (he used to play in machine gun fellatio)
I know its an easy target but...
I love it how the new Nickleback album has 'ELEVEN CLASSICS' on it...i would have thought in order for something to be judged classic it would have to be around a little bit more than a couple of weeks?
Even then calling nickleback classic at any point in the game...i dont know about that.
Dude really need's to get over his Hetfield complex.
Id like to think that Jaymz is thinking 'EET FUK KROGER!' ha ha.
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