Hello Loyal email subscribers and a big welcome to all the new cats who signed up over the past couple of weeks!
Welcome aboard!
First up a HUUUUGE thanks to Gyroscope, all their crew and management for having us on their album tour, it was a grand old time and awesome to share the road with them after way too long apart.
We had the best time, made all the more fun because there was a whole bunch of you there to see us play!
So if you were there early THANKS!!!! and i hope you dug it!
We drove way too many Kilometeres in way to short a time and partied a little too hard, i remember something involving a shitload off pickles, some trucker shorts and Limp Bizkit...recipie for fun if i ever heard it.
Special mention to Gyros' crew - Ritchie and Anthony you are top notch!
Some pics from the Metro show in Sydney....
As of now we are straight back into writing and honing the new tracks (you may have heard some new jams at Gyros)
Our aim is to tear heads of and loosen bowels so hopefully we achieve that...actually...that would be not cool.
But you get the drift, shit is rockken like dokken!
Beisdes all that we are going to try and get a track down ASAP for you to have for free.
Reffered to in the industry as a 'single' or 'free download...whatever you call it it will also be rad!
As i type this im watching 'outrageous fortune' and a commonwealth games ad just came on featuring our track "Desire" Which brings me to our next subject...
DESIRE has been made the official song of the 2010 Commonwealth Games ads for the TEN Sport & ONE HD networks!
Pretty sweet! Im told there are 33 different ads! NUTZZZ! I like the Diving and Gymnastics one's the best, as they are my favourite olympic sports, table tennis is pretty sweet too...
this is what the main man at 10 had to say...
"Sport and Music can be a powerful combination and when you find a track that's just right, it's a beautiful thing. That's what we have with "Desire", it's a perfect fit for the Games - emotive, catchy and importantly from an Aussie band" Rob Rosenberg
The ads are currently on high rotation on both ONE and TEN being aired at least 5 times a day on each network. The ads will run all the way through till OCT 15 giving the After The Fall track DESIRE massive exposure during this time and quite possibly one of the biggest TV syncs this year.
Check out some of the ads below !
NOVA radio are well and truly excited about the ads so much so they have just featured it on all of their web sites around the country. Make sure you all hit the link to show some love over at NOVA... and in turn i'm sure there will be loads of "DESIRE" coming through your speakers if you know what i mean !!
Check out the link here: www.novafm.com.au
Thats all i got for now, stayed tuned for more show announcements soon!