Friday, 31 July 2009

New Video out NOW > Melbourne Wrap up!


After The Fall - Desire

Finally our new video is DONE!

That’s right... the new video for Desire, taken from the our upcoming album [In] Exile
can now be seen only and exclusively on Myspace Australia.
Directed by the same crew who gave us the amazing Empire of the Sun clips.... thanks Elvira, Maricar, Josh and everyone over there at Mathematics!!!

Head over to Myspace or direct at

You can also check out the making of the video as well as all the other After the Fall videos there too.

We would love you all to check it out and let us know what you think.


Our Melbourne adventure started with a 4:30am Lobby lobby i mean the cold street i live on.

Ben was twenty minutes late for the pickup which means i could have got about 19 minutes extra sleep! and at that hour...well its worth it!

Picked up the rest of the Fellas as well as J-fresh (also known as Josh from Angelas Dish) and Hit the Frog an toad for real.

We always see this sign on the Hume highway 'Best coffee on the Hume'. So this time instead of driving past we stopped in to see if in fact it was the 'Best'.

The unanimous decision was that it may very well have been the 'Best Coffee on the Hume', but was probably some of the worst coffee we have tasted.

Now thats out of our system we will never speak off it again.

Got to the show and had a 5 minute soundcheck(!) got some sweet Chinese from Mao's on Brunswick st with a Pizza chaser from Lamb and back to check out Kill Teen angst

These guys are from Perth so they already win, but i was pretty keen on checking them out after hearing some tunes on myspace. They have some pretty Rocking tunes with Beards to match, think Hot water music, small brown bike kinda vibe...the music! not the beards.

Played the show and caught up with heaps of friends we havn't seen for a long time which is always good! Then ended up at a Kebab shop at 4am. Seems we were the only ones privvy to the fact they served booze?

So to Melbourne...THANKS FOR COMING OUT!!!!!!! we really appreciate it and we will see you again for a bigger and better show SOOOOON!

More on the show front! We will be annoucning a MASSSSIVE national tour VERY within days! so stay tuned! very excited to be hitting te road for a hard slog!


I was going to put a clip off Killing Joke 'Love like blood' But they have a shitty record label who wont let me do it.

So you get this instead...killer track!


p.s.... Pre-Order the new album [IN] EXILE here
and we will send you some love

Friday, 24 July 2009

Sydney wrap up - Melbourne show > FREE TIX!

First up I want to thank everyone that came out to our first show back in yonks! It felt really good to be back up on stage sweating it out, it took us a long time and a lot of hard work to get to this point and we would like to thank each and every one of you! I think we are still coming down from it!

Super anxious for more touring in the coming months!

Ok so the Melbourne show at northcote social clu is tomorrow or tonight depending on when you read this. We would like to offer you free double passes to the show! Oh but there is a catch...pre order our new record [In] Exile from jb and email the recepit of purchase to email addy by 5pm Friday to score a double pass! Too easy!

Don't forget if you got the Twitter follow us at

Or facebook at

Melbourne we will see you soon, fir the rest off you stay tuned for a tour announcement!

Love after the fall

Friday, 17 July 2009


So we are giving you...... our fans FREE double passes to the Oxford Art Factory Show,
Friday 17th... Tomorrow / Tonight depending on when you read this.
But there is a catch !.......

Simply Pre-Order our new record [In]Exile from Jb Hi Fi ... CLICK HERE and email your receipt of purchase with your full name and we'll wack you on the guest list !

It's that simple!

The new album is out AUG 28 but you can Pre-Order it now. If you Pre-Order it you get the Limited Edition Digi Pack with two Bonus tracks!

See you at the show!

ATF !!

The New album [In] Exile OUT AUG 28

Monday, 13 July 2009


Not long now until we hit the stage for our first shows in AGES.

We have been working a a set for a little while now and things are starting to fall into place! Very much looking forward to hitting the stage!

We have facebook event pages for the Sydney and Melbourne shows with all the details for tickets, supports etc.

For all the Sydney info click here.
And for all the Melbourne info go here.

Fri 17
Oxford Art factory- Sydney

Fri 24
Northcote Social Club - Melbourne

All Tickets:



We want you spread the word & make cash !

We'd love if you could support the show by becoming an official online promoter on . You can download ads for the shows and invite your friends.
If your friends buy tickets through your link then you get paid! You can tell your mates via the facebook and myspace apps and earn 5% on everything you sell. It’s free and easy to sign-up. Join Posse and help spread the word about the shows!


As you may know we filmed a video for our new track 'Desire' which isn't that far off now!
But in the mean time we have a little making off on our YouTube here.
And if you think all that green is a little boring head over here to get an idea off what the video will look like once it is complete...see no green!

We would also LOVE it if you requested 'Desire' at triple J radio. there are Four ways to do it!

tweet in your request too
SMS it to 1975 7 555
Call it in too 1300 0555 36
or hit up this webpage and type it in



So we have facebook, we would love it if you added us!
Also we gots twitter if you follow us we will learn you lots
cool, thanks.


So i know you all have the 28th of august in your calenders as the release date of '[In] Exile', but maybe your wondering...whats it look like? or...i need to know more?
well i can help you there! click here
to see the awesome artwork and all the other gory details.
Ok thats enough for now...thanks for your time and see you at a show!